
Identity Tag Politics

AUSTIN – Netroots Nation is reportedly forcing Fox News reporters to wear badges that say “Opinion Media.” That’s funny,because my credential just says “Media.” And Slate IS opinion media.

Anyway, a convention ID speaks a thousand words. Somebloggers have crossed out their names and written in their blog handles. Othershave affixed colored ribbons marking them as a “Speaker” or “Sponsor.” Still othershave fashioned their own ribbons, saying “Embedded MSM Reporter,” FBI agent,and CIA operative.

And oh, the swag . Conventionparticipants receive, among other things, a bright orange tote bag, free copiesof Mother Jones and The Nation , a bottle opener, amini-Constitution, a bag of salsa chips, a fortune cookie from, and acondom that says “protect your constitution.” Needless to say, some of these items will get more use than others.