
Bauer and Wolfson Exchange

This is a rough transcript based on my recording of the call.

BAUER: “Different than the one previously made against everyother caucus so far.”

SOMEBODY: “Please start over.”  


BAUER: Can you hear me?

WOLFSON: “Bob, how nice of you to call! How are you?”

BAUER: Glad to talk to you it’s been a while. We haven’tseen each other since Iowa, which is theoccasion of the last series of complaints the Clinton campaign has made against the caucusprocess. I’d be interested to know…(chatter) Nevada where you filed a lawsuit. I was justcurious to know how is this any different, in fact, from the series ofcomplaitns that you’ve registered against every caucus that you lose.  

WOLFSON: Actually Bob we haven’t experienced this exchangesince you made a series of complaints in Nevada.And tried to do everything that you and the Obama campaign could do toundermine the results there. You haven’t been on any of these calls with usbefore. We welcome you to this one.

BAUER: Well I appreciate that.  

CLINTONperson: The first call of this nature we’ve had. What is happening in Texas is extraordinary.We, of course, don’t hold you personally responsible for it. But we do believethat you share our commitment to a strong democratic values and a system thatensures everyone who wants to participate in our process be given an equal andfair opportunity to do so. So I would imagine that you would welcome thisopportunity to join with us to ensure that the problems we are pointing out onthis call are dealt with expeditiously so that every Democrat in Texas who wants toparticipate can do so.

BAUER: Well, Howard, I just – I appreciate the spirit withwhich you’re engaging me on this, and I just want to thank you for that. I justwanted to make sure you’re answering my question. In Nevada you filed a lawsuit in advance of thecaucus. In Iowa, you threatened variousstudents with potential consequences if they voted under Iowa law. Now in the evening of the Texascaucus, while it’s virtually taking place you claim you have well-documentedaccusations and that this is somehow the first time you’ve raised issues likethis, and that really isn’t true. Is it, Howard?  

WOLFSON: What I said Bob, and we can debate and then we’lllet the reporters ask some of their questions, that this is in fact the firstphone call of this nature we have had during this campaign. I am quite certainsaying that because I would have been running them. The lawsuit that youreferred to was not filed by us, as you know and saw fairly well. Again, Iwould ask you to join us this evening in ensuring that the serious problemsthat are ongoing as we speak in Texasare addressed with. We are all Democrats. We are all concerned about theprocess being fair and open for everyone. Again I would ask you with all thereporters on the line to join with us in helping to make sure that theseproblems are corrected so that everybody has an opportunity to participate.

BAUER: I’m happy to answer the challenge and let otherpeople speak at this point, Howard. But I will say that I’m more than happy toenter into any commitment that you might have to actually for the first time insome period of time stop attacking the caucus process that didn’t startbothering the Clinton campaign until it ran a series of fairly extraordinarylosses, but I’m still we can debate that at some point in the future.  

WOLFSON: This is not about the process, Bob. It’s about theway that this particular set of caucuses are ongoing as we speak. Again, I justwant to make sure all the reporters know that it was the Obama campaign thatmade a very long list of allegations about the caucus process in Nevada when you lostthat caucus. Let’s be clear about the facts there.

BAUER: I don’t recall filing a lawsuit in Nevada trying to stop voting at the at-largeprecincts that were thrown-out as completely meritless by a federal judge. Ifwe’re the one who filed it it certainly escapes me. It was filed by yoursurrogates and is part of a string of accusations you’ve launched against thecaucus process on no principle other than the fact that you seem to (garbled) seemto get the votes you need to win. But as I said, there are others who havequestions, so we’ll let them ask the questions that they need to ask. Iappreciate you taking the questions, Howard, and I thank you for that.

WOLFSON: We look forward to asking our own questions insubsequent phone calls of yours.  

BAUER: Pleasure. I can’t wait to hold one and have you as myfirst questioner.  

WOLFSON: Excellent. Next question please.