
Bye-Bye, Dennis

His lawsuit against NBC was thrown out . His New Hampshire recount effort failed to uncover widespread anti-Kucinich ballot stuffing. So, Dennis Kucinich has dropped out .

Correction: He’s “transitioning out of the Democratic Presidential primary race,” according to a statement. But why does the person who rode out a long, painful 2004 race drop out so early this go-round? One theory: the wife. As one Slate - ster points out : “He didn’t have the wife last time. The wife is the person who tells you, ‘Honey, it’s time to drop out.’ ” Of course, if Fred Thompson weren’t married to Jeri, he probably never would have run in the first place.

Kucinich will be making a more detailed speech tomorrow, but chances are he’ll be spending his newfound free time fending off a challenge for his congressional seat from Cleveland city Councilman Joe Cimperman, who already produced an attack ad accusing Kucinich of being an absentee rep.

So, will the Cleveland Steamer be endorsing another candidate? In an interview with the Cleveland Plain Dealer , Kucinich said he has “zero intention of getting involved in the primaries.” (If he changes his mind, here’s whom he should support .) Viggo Mortensen’s nod, on the other hand, is still available.