
Debate By Numbers

Using transcripts from CNN and the New York Times debate analyzer , I crunched some stats from last night’s GOP debate.

  • 3: Number of times Hillary Clinton was mentioned
  • 4: Number of times Bill Clinton was mentioned
  • 2: Number of times Mitt Romney mentioned health care
  • 0: Number of times any other candidate mentioned health care
  • 5: Number of times Rudy Giuliani said “Islamic”
  • 3: Number of times any other candidate said “Islamic,” “Islam,” or “Muslim”
  • 4: Number of times Duncan Hunter addressed Anderson Cooper as “Cooper.” No other candidate followed suit.
  • 2: Number of times the candidates mentioned President Bush
  • 26: Number of times, according to CNN’s transcript, the audience laughed
  • 5: Number of times the audience laughed after watching a question from a YouTube user
  • 7: Number of times the audience laughed after a Fred Thompson joke
  • 4: Number of times the audience laughed after a Mike Huckabee joke
  • 0: Number of times the audience laughed after Ron Paul or Duncan Hunter said something

Also, a breakdown of which candidates speak the fastest. Mitt Romney’s mouth was a-flappin’, while Fred Thompson, unsurprisingly, was the slowest talker.

Talker Words Seconds Words/sec
Moderator 2174 812 2.68
YouTube Questioners 2398 942 2.55
Giuliani 3163 945 3.35
Huckabee 1942 587 3.31
Hunter 918 293 3.13
McCain 2034 670 3.04
Paul 1288 431 2.99
Romney 3223 831 3.88
Tancredo 830 221 3.76
Thompson 1841 625 2.95

If you’d like, feel free to compare the words-per-second statistics to the Democrats’ .