The Slatest

Trump Just Retweeted a Cartoon of the “#TrumpTrain” Running Someone Over. Then He Retweeted a Tweet Calling Him a Fascist.

Just two days after a white supremacist Donald Trump supporter was charged with running over anti-racist protesters and murdering one of them, Trump retweeted a cartoon approvingly showing the “#TrumpTrain” running someone over.


That someone was labeled “CNN,” making the retweet reminiscent of a Trump tweet from July, in which the president retweeted a fake video of himself body-slamming and punching CNN.

Whether by accident or because he didn’t think these previous tweets were quite clear enough, he then retweeted another, less approving tweet calling him a “fascist.”

Screengrab from Twitter


Both tweets have since been deleted, so let no one say John Kelly hasn’t been able to impose order and reason in the White House.