The Slatest

GOP Lawmakers “Work For” the President, Says Congressman Who Must Have Slept Through Civics

Calfornia Rep. Devin Nunes is in the soup a bit at the moment because he’s been conducting the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation of the Trump-Russia-wiretapping scandal in such a way that seems designed to serve the interests of the White House rather than, like, the public. (Most prominently, Nunes announced that he’d seen classified information that suggested Trump associates had been treated inappropriately without disclosing that he apparently received that information during a meeting in an office on the White House grounds with Trump administration officials.) Even one Republican congressman (North Carolina’s Walter Jones) has criticized Nunes’ seeming lack of impartiality and called on him to recuse himself from the ongoing investigation.

Republican Florida Rep. Ted Yoho is having none of that checks-and-balances nonsense, though, as you can see in the clip above of an exchange this morning with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin. The transcript:

MELVIN: Are you concerned at all that [Nunes] was viewing what he said was classified information at the White House and then reported it back to the White House?

YOHO: You have to keep in mind who he works for. He works for the president and answers to the president.

MELVIN: Does he? Or does he work for the constituents of his district?

YOHO: You do both. But when in that capacity, if you’ve got information, I’m okay with what he did.


via Kyle Griffin