The Slatest

Republicans Are Facing Their Constituents in Town Halls This Week, and the People Are Angry

Sen. Chuck Grassley speaks during a town hall meeting at the Hancock County Courthouse on Tuesday in Garner, Iowa.

Steve Pope/Getty Images

Congress is in recess, and members are in their districts hosting town halls this week. For many Republicans, that’s meant contentious meetings complete with constituent outrage over the GOP’s permissiveness with President Donald Trump and anger over potentially having their health care pulled out from under them. There have also been a number of sick burns along the way. The reception has been severe enough that some lawmakers have pulled out of town hall events. Here’s a glimpse into of what’s going on at some of the meetings around the country this week.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky:

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley in Iowa Falls:

Republican Sen. Joni Ernst ducked out of a veterans town hall in Maquoketa, Iowa.

Republican Rep. Dave Brat of Virginia:

Arkansas Republican Congressman Steve Womack:

Many Republicans saw what was happening and bailed: