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Today in Conservative Media: Celebrating SCOTUS Nominee Neil Gorsuch, “Heir to Scalia”

Judge Neil Gorsuch after President Donald Trump nominated him for the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images

A daily roundup of the biggest stories in right-wing media.

Conservative media praised President Donald Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court and criticized resistance to Gorsuch’s confirmation.

In one post, “A Supreme Successor to Justice Scalia,” National Review wrote: “Gorsuch is a brilliant jurist and dedicated originalist and textualist. He thinks through issues deeply. He writes with clarity, force, and verve.” In another post, “Neil Gorsuch: A Worthy Heir to Scalia,” National Review said, “Gorsuch shares Scalia’s philosophy and intelligence, if not his acerbity, and in selecting him, Trump has made good on a crucial campaign promise.” And in yet another post, National Review said of Gorsuch, “Our public life could use a calm, fair voice these days. Truly an excellent choice.”

Breitbart also homed in on how Gorusch will follow in Scalia’s wake, writing approvingly: “Gorsuch has embraced a textualist view of constitutional interpretation, including language that suggests he might share Justice Scalia’s view that judges should further construe the text only in a manner consistent with its original meaning.”

Sean Hannity called the pick “a homerun and a promise kept.”

On Fox News, Laura Ingraham said Gorsuch was a “refreshing change” from a “long history of judicial activism coming from the left.” Ingraham, too, likened Gorsuch to Scalia, saying he’s a textualist and believes in a literal interpretation of the Constitution.

Conservative media also reported on some democrats’ reactions to the nominations. In a post called “‘More Extreme than Justice Scalia’—Left-wing Activists Sound the Alarm Over Gorsuch,” Breitbart quoted Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards saying: “Donald Trump’s nominee, Neil Gorsuch, has an alarming history of interfering with reproductive rights and health.”

The Daily Caller focused on Nancy Pelosi’s assessment of Gorsuch, writing a post headlined: “Nancy Pelosi Spits Out Word Salad About Opposing Gorsuch. See if You Can Make Sense of It.”

In other news: Trump’s approval ratings

Breitbart trumpeted polling results that said 49 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president.

The Daily Caller’s home page headline read: “There Is Some Big League News About President Trump’s New Approval Rating.”

This article about the approval rating poll circulated on conservative Facebook pages: