The Slatest

Today in Conservative Media: The Women’s March

Demonstrators protest during the Women’s March along Pennsylvania Avenue on Sunday in Washington.

Joshua Lott/AFP/Getty Images

A daily roundup of the biggest stories in right-wing media.

Conservative media on Monday continued to slam Saturday’s Women’s March in Washington and other marches that took place around the country over inauguration weekend. On Fox News, Rudy Giuliani said, “I’m not even sure they know what they’re [protesting]. … They’re not protesting any one thing. It’s not as if we’re protesting Roe v. Wade. It’s a whole, ‘Something’s bad about Trump.’ ”

In a post headlined, “Women’s March—See What a Massive Hillary-Shaped Bullet America Just Dodged?” Breitbart speculated about the reasons for the march, writing:

Has anyone actually worked out yet what that Women’s March over the weekend was all about? Or is it another of those things we’re just supposed to know – and the very fact we don’t know shows precisely how insensitive and unobservant we are? My initial guess was that it might have been down to one of the following:

A forgotten anniversary

An unnoticed new hair do

A very-much-noticed and far-too-nakedly-lingering glance at Ivanka (or similar)

Toilet seat left up

Trash taken out – but without the liner being replaced

The wrong answer to a question about cellulite or weight or a much-desired but patently unsuitable outfit

Nothing. No, seriously. There’s nothing wrong. Nothing at all. Really. Nothing.

The Daily Caller posted a roundup of “pretty explosive and out-there things” celebrities said at the women’s march, which included Scarlett Johansson saying, “I’m sure there isn’t one person here who hasn’t been helped by Planned Parenthood.”

In other news: Trump’s executive orders

President Donald Trump signed a series of executive actions Monday, moves the conservative media heralded as progress and proof of Trump’s ability to destroy President Obama’s legacy.

Of Trump’s executive order withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Breitbart wrote: “The move to nuke TPP once and for all, ripping it up, begins to fulfill one of Trump’s biggest promises. Now that he’s crushed the bad deal, it remains to be seen how he will negotiate positive deals for America.” The Daily Caller said the executive order “kill[ed] Obama’s legacy trade deal” and Sean Hannity’s website wrote that Trump “hit the ground running … making good on several important campaign promises.”

Similarly, conservative media praised Trump’s other executive orders: one that reinstated a decades-old rule that prevents American aid workers from discussing the option of abortion with their foreign patients, or risk U.S. funding, and another freezing federal hiring. Breitbart pointed out that, “Trump specified that the hiring freeze for federal workers would not apply to the military.”