The Slatest

More People Are Looking at a Petition to Release Trump’s Tax Returns Than Trump’s White House Bio

President Donald Trump waves during the inaugural parade in Washington on Friday.

Dominick Reuter/AFP/Getty Images

While Donald Trump’s administration has tweaked and/or trashed large portions of the official White House website, there is one section that has remained intact. As Politico reported Friday afternoon, the Obama-era petition platform “We the People” is still open for business. The two petitions available for users to sign at the moment: “Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance” and “Divest or put in a blind trust all of the President’s business and financial assets.”

As of 4 p.m. EST, the former petition—which requires an additional 90,000-plus signatures to trigger an official response from the White House—was the second-most-popular page on any federal government website, behind only the landing page of Twenty minutes later, it was pushed into third place by Trump’s “America First Energy Plan.” The fourth-most-popular page is Melania Trump’s White House bio. The fifth-most-popular page is Donald Trump’s bio.

Via Melody Joy Kramer