The Slatest

It’s Happening: Donald Trump Has a Government Website

Journalists gather on the driveway in front of the West Wing in anticipation of the arrival of President-elect Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Oh Christ, he has a government website now, and it’s

Consider this the first of many posts groaning, cursing, and using the Lord’s name in vain about how normal and boring steps of the presidential transition, like the set-up of an official transition website, are proceeding on behalf of Donald Trump.

What do we find on Great Again dot-gov? Not much! We have bios for “The President Elect” and “The Vice President Elect,” who are, respectively, Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence. There is a “Making America Great Again” drop-down menu listing all the policy proposals that Trump may or may not know that he has. There’s press information, including instructions for submitting interview requests. (President-elect Trump’s relationship with the press is continuing much as it ended for Candidate Trump, with Trump ditching his press pool.) In a good preliminary sign for basic adherence to federal protocol, his transition team has posted a job listings page for opportunities in his federal workforce.

This is real, by the way, and it’s all over the gall-dang site:


Lastly, and most critically, the site solicits suggestions for how you, the masses, hope to make America great again.

Share your story, and give the Trump transition team your email address and other data as it prepares to take over the greatest surveillance apparatus in human history!