The Slatest

Today’s Trump Apocalypse Watch: Area Theory About Global Conspiracy May Have Some Holes In It

Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Florida on Thursday.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The Trump Apocalypse Watch is a subjective daily estimate, using a scale of one to four horsemen, of how likely it is that Donald Trump will be elected president, thus triggering an apocalypse in which we all die.

Donald Trump gave a speech today in which he identified the New York Times’ reporting on his alleged sexual assaults as the tip of a conspiracy iceberg organized by “a small handful of global special interests” whose “agenda” is to “elect crooked Hillary Clinton at any cost.” There are a few problems with this analysis, but let’s focus on Trump’s views about the Times in particular. The Times’ Megan Twohey, who cowrote the paper’s bombshell assault story, also recently published a piece about Hillary Clinton’s responses to accusations of sexual misbehavior against her husband. Its takeaway:

But privately, she embraced the Clinton campaign’s aggressive strategy of counterattack: Women who claimed to have had sexual encounters with Mr. Clinton would become targets of digging and discrediting — tactics that women’s rights advocates frequently denounce.

Twohey’s reporting on the subject was touted four days ago by the Trump campaign.

From reliable source of information about Hillary Clinton’s unfitness for the presidency to agent of global pro-Clinton conspiracy in under a week—international cabals sure work fast!

Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by Getty Images, Wikimedia Commons