The Slatest

Yes, the Hurricane Is Already Involved in Dumb Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories

Matt Drudge on April 30, 2005 in Washington, D.C.

Evan Agostini/Getty Images

Hurricane Matthew has not yet made landfall in Florida and the wingnut wing of the media is already whipping up its hottest and most provocative idiot fodder:

(Members of Trump’s white-supremacist online fan community have taken to proudly calling themselves “deplorables” in an attempt to co-opt Hillary Clinton’s use of the term to describe them.)

Rush Limbaugh is on the Case of the Fake Global Warming Hurricanes too, Wonkette reports. Rush:

The National Hurricane Center is part of the National Weather Service, which is part of the Commerce Department, which is part of the Obama administration, which by definition has been tainted just like the DOJ has. … With hurricane tracking and hurricane forecasting, I’ve been able to spot where I think they might be playing games because it’s in the interests of the left to have destructive hurricanes because then they can blame it on climate change, which they can continue desperately continue trying to sell.

Caveat: Limbaugh adds that he thinks this hurricane, Matthew, is legit. It’s the last decade of post-Katrina storms that have been overhyped, in his opinion, by the Trilateral Commission Subcommittee on Climate Change:

We had 11 years of no hurricanes—11 straight years of no major hurricanes striking land in the United States, which just bores a hole right through the whole climate change argument.

Ol’ Rush’s crack factchecking team has apparently forgotten about 2012’s immensely damaging Hurricane Sandy, but presumably Donald Trump hasn’t. Sandy was “good luck” for Obama and therefore made Trump angry:

Typical Obama, crassly using the tools uniquely available to the federal government to provide shelter and support to the victims of natural disasters.