The Slatest

Cops Came to the Republican National Convention From All Across the Country

West Virginia.

Aymann Ismail

CLEVELAND—A total of 5,500 police officers were brought in from all across the country to protect the constituents and participants of the Republican National Convention. A California Highway Patrol officer told Slate’s Seth Stevenson that his team was 300 strong here. A Kansas highway cop said he was one of 26. The Indiana State Police and the Florida Highway Patrol were both rolling more than 100 deep.

Cops of every stripe, from every corner of the country, have come because—in a common refrain—“Cleveland asked to help out.” Below is a quick selection of some of the states and cities represented on the thin blue line.

Read more Slate coverage of the 2016 campaign.


Aymann Ismail


Aymann Ismail

Washington, D.C.

Aymann Ismail


Aymann Ismail


Aymann Ismail


Aymann Ismail


Aymann Ismail

Austin, Texas.

Aymann Ismail


Aymann Ismail


Aymann Ismail