The Slatest

A 16-Year-Old Wrote This Song about Donald Trump, Performed It for a Fringe Right Rally

In addition to serving as a gathering spot for ordinary Republicans who tolerate Republican nominee Donald Trump, the Republican National Convention in Cleveland is a locus point for those members of the fringe right who have embraced Trump. At Settler’s Landing Park on Monday, the convention’s first day, one such fringe gathering took place and it featured this song by an avid 16-year-old Trump supporter.

The above video was captured by Slate correspondent Michelle Goldberg. It is a from the “America First Unity Rally,” organized by former Trump advisor Roger Stone and promoted heavily by conspiracy theory avatar Alex Jones, who was speaking at the event. Media Matters called it “the freak show to the RNC circus” for the assorted views its featured speakers and because it was originally sponsored by a white nationalist web site.

More from Media Matters about the event:

The scheduled speakers and hosts have lobbed racist and sexist attacks against opponents; called for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders’ executions; openly discriminated against minorities; led the movement that claims the 9/11 attacks were an “inside job”; and alleged that President Obama and Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) are not American citizens

Catchy tune, though!