The Slatest

Breakfast-Eating American Hero Ignores Presidential Candidate, Continues Eating Breakfast

The scene at a Carly Fiorina event in Manchester, New Hampshire today.

Darren McCollester/Getty Images

Elections are important for The Future of Our Republic, I guess. But sometimes you just want to watch TV, check social media, or eat your god dang eggs, bacon, and home fries without coming across presidential candidates and/or their supporters shouting nonsense at you/each other, right? Unfortunately for the woman above, an uninterrupted meal was not on the menu today in Manchester, New Hampshire as Carly Fiorina (currently polling at 2.5 percent) rolled into Blake’s Restaurant for an event. But this hero of breakfast fortitude didn’t let that bother her.

Darren McCollester/Getty Images

This angle, from the Manchester Union Leader, is even better:

Unidentified Woman is a new American icon.

Photo illustration by Lisa Larson-Walker. Painting by Edward Hopper, photo by Darren McCollester/Getty.

Unidentified Woman/Diner Eggs 2016!