The Slatest

Your Hardened Cynicism Is No Match for These Canadian Children Welcoming Syrian Refugees

Yes, the 25,000 refugees Canada is planning to resettle is a small number in relation to the scale of the problem. Yes, Justin Trudeau is extracting maximum publicity from the arrival of new Syrian refugees, and the shine will eventually come off the photogenic new prime minister. Yes, Canada’s acceptance of refugees is likely to be slower, more restrictive, and more logistically difficult than many anticipated, and most Canadians are wary of accepting them. And yes, the bloody Syrian conflict is far from resolution, and Donald Trump’s ideas are alarmingly popular in the United States.

But you can still watch this video of Canadian children welcoming Syrian children to Canada in multiple languages, produced by the Christian charity World Vision, and feel like the world is slightly less awful.

Via Ishaan Tharoor