The Slatest

Japanese Porn Actress Will Appear in “Angel” and “Devil” Poses on Taiwan Metro Cards

She seems nice!

Anthony Kwan/Getty

I don’t have anything to say about this story except that I promise I did not make it up. From the BBC:

Taiwan’s capital is to introduce a pre-paid public transport card featuring the Japanese porn actress Yui Hatano, despite an outcry over using her image … the firm said (in Chinese) it would go ahead with the planned release of the “devil” edition of the cards, which feature Ms Hatano dressed in black and looking sultry.

An “angel” edition of the card is expected to be released in mid-September after a re-design and “input from various parties”, the company said.

Here’s a SFW link to the image of the “angel” card.

Apparently Yui Hatano—and I learned this from Wikipedia, not by watching pornography—is famous in Taiwan because of her resemblance to (non-pornographic) model/actress/personality Lin Chi-ling.