The Slatest

Russia Pokes Fun at Snowflake Malfunction During Sochi Closing Ceremonies 

The organizers of the Sochi Winter Olympics pulled off a PR coup during the closing ceremony by making fun of themselves. In an unexpected bit of self-aware humor, dancers who were recreating the iconic Olympics rings symbol poked fun at what became one of the most talked-about aspects of the opening ceremony: the infamous snowflake malfunction. When it came time for the dancers to form the Olympic rings, a group of dancers stayed closely packed together, as if refusing to create the fifth ring—just like that pesky little snowflake at the opening ceremonies.

Don’t say Russia doesn’t have a sense of humor.

Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images

The original snowflake malfunction.

Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

Unlike the snowflake malfunction, though, eventually the dancers did spread out and create the fifth ring. Just like the Internet was quick to make fun of Russia for the snowflake malfunction, it was also quick to celebrate the self-mocking tribute. (Image via Mashable.)