The Slatest

Zimmerman’s Legal Team Kicked Off Its Defense With a Knock-Knock Joke

Don West, a defense attorney for George Zimmerman, displays a photo of his client, from the night of the shooting of Trayvon Martin

Photo by Joe Burbank-Pool/Getty Images

The prosecution and defense offered up their opening statements in George Zimmerman’s murder trial today. Given the nature of the case and the general mood in the courtroom, you would be forgiven for assuming that neither side would try its hand at a knock-knock joke to kick things off. You’d be forgiven because you’d be wrong. USA Today documents defense attorney Don West’s opening clunker:

West began his opening statement with a joke. “Knock, knock,” West said. “Who’s there? George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who? Congratulations, you’re on the jury.”

The court remained quiet and jurors’ faces were blank. Later, after a break, West promised not to tell any more bad jokes.

Read more on today’s action over at USA Today.