The Slatest

Freed Cleveland Captive Michelle Knight Is Refusing To See Her Family

Deborah Knight, grandmother of Michelle Knight, is hugged by Nancy Johnson during a vigil on May 9

Photo by Matt Sullivan/Getty Images

There is a growing mystery surrounding one of the three women rescued from captivity Monday. Michelle Knight, 32, spent more than a decade being held against her will, but, unlike Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus, she didn’t have a tearful, joyous family reunion. In fact, Knight’s family has no idea where she is right now. On Friday, Knight left the hospital without seeing her family or telling them where she was going.

A source close to the investigation told CNN that Knight “is in a safe place and very comfortable,” but refused to get into specifics. Despite reports that Knight was staying with DeJesus’ family, she was not there Saturday morning. Knight met with her mother, Barbara Knight, briefly on Wednesday but then refused to see her again. “She went to the hospital and tried to deliver flowers to her daughter and was told that her daughter’s not keeping visitors,” Barbara Knight’s lawyer told ABC News. The lawyer also said the family found out that Knight had left the hospital from a reporter.

It seems Knight suffered the most abuse while in captivity. Her grandmother told a local CBS affiliate that Knight needed facial reconstructive surgery due to injuries she sustained in captivity. “When she was severely beaten, he had beat her so bad in the face, she has to have facial reconstruction, and she’s lost hearing in one ear,” Deborah Knight said.  

Knight’s refusal to see her family is yet another mystery about her disappearance that did not receive as much attention as those of Berry and DeJesus. Although she was reported missing, officials apparently became convinced she was a runaway, notes ABC News. Knight was removed from an FBI database of missing people 15 months after she was first reported as missing because police couldn’t confirm she was still gone.