The Slatest

How Last Night’s Debate Played on Today’s Front Pages

As we explained late last night, the insta-polls and the pundits saw a tight contest on the Long Island stage on Tuesday, but one that was won narrowly by President Obama. Given the lack of a clear-cut win, however, it should come as little surprise that a quick scan of the morning’s front pages show the nation’s headline writers and art teams focused on the on-stage clash and largely left the who-won question to the domain of the cable news talking heads (as most papers had likewise done following the previous two debates).

Here’s a small sampling from those states currently seen as toss-ups by Real Clear Politics (screenshots via the Newseum, which has plenty more for you to look at here):

Denver Post:

Tampa Bay Times:

Des Moines Register:

Detroit News:

Las Vegas Review-Journal:

New Hampshire Union-Leader:

Charlotte Observer:

Cleveland Plain Dealer:

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

Richmond Times-Dispatch:

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: