The Slatest

Did Romney Campaign Copy From Obama Website?

It sure looks like they didn’t write that. The donation instructions on Romney’s “victory wallet” page were almost identical to the Obama campaign’s “quick donate” page until someone pointed it out. Obama’s version has been up since March, whereas Romney’s went up in late August. BuzzFeed was the first to point out the similarities but Salon lays it all out clearly, pointing out that it’s not just that both sites are pretty much identical in terms of layout, they also both had the same grammatical mistake.

Romney’s digital director Zac Moffat later told BuzzFeed it “was a junior staff confusion that has been updated and resolved.” There was no shared vendor between the campaigns that could have caused the confusion though. Now it seems the language has been slightly changed. “The meaning is identical, but the phrasing has been slightly altered to differentiate from the Obama campaign’s language,” notes Salon.