The Slatest

Today’s Front Pages: Clinton, Clinton, Clinton

A screenshot of the front page of Thursday’s Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

***Read the rest of Slate’s coverage of the Democratic National Convention.***

A quick check of today’s front pages confirms what we already knew last night: Bill Clinton is the man of the moment this morning after he delivered on his much-hyped forceful defense of President Obama last night. (You can watch a video replay of the stemwinder here.)

The former president has staked out varying degrees of prime, above-the-fold real estate on most front pages around the country (with the odd exception of the Denver Post [See UPDATE Below*], where they’re apparently really excited for some football, and in the Des Moines Register, where they kept things local, local, local.) The night’s other prime-time speaker, Elizabeth Warren, managed to snag some front-page space in her hometown Globe, but didn’t quite break through into the larger national picture.

Here’s today’s sampling from some key markets:

*UPDATE 10:28 a.m.: The Post emails to point out that while Clinton’s speech got only minor play on their front page proper, they’ve been printing a special convention section as well. Here’s a screenshot of that cover: