The Slatest

Today’s Papers, Visual Edition: Ryan, Isaac Battle For Front-Page Real Estate

Screenshot of Thursday’s front page of the Washington Post.

Paul Ryan was the man of the moment in Tampa last night, delivering the forceful—if factually-challenged—speech that his party faithful had been waiting for.

But, as has been the story for much of the week, Paul and his fellow Republicans were forced to share the national spotlight with Hurricane Isaac, a storm that soaked the Gulf Coast seven years to the day that Hurricane Katrina wreaked its historic damage in the region.

Here’s a quick sampling of Thursday’s front pages.

The New York Times goes split screen, with Isaac to the left and Ryan (with photo) to the right:

The Wall Street Journal gives Ryan prime, above-the-fold real estate, while Isaac sits in the bottom right:

The Washington Post also goes with the left-right split, giving Isaac a little more photographic love:

Tampa may be playing host to the GOP convention, but that’s not enough to guarantee top billing in the Tampa Bay Times* (Update 2:22 p.m.: The paper emails to point out that they’re sending their papers out this week with a RNC-heavy wrap—today’s version featured Ryan prominently—which we’re adding below.)

The VP hopeful gets some play down at the Miami Herald, but the front-page RNC story is mostly about Rubio, not Ryan.:

It’s Isaac that’s buried in the Chicago Tribune:

Things go about how you would expect with the New Orleans Times-Picayune and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

*Correction: The paper is the Tampa Bay Times, not the Tribune.