The Slatest

Here’s a Word Cloud of Every Major Speech From The GOP Convention

Above you’ll find the third RNC word cloud of our experiment, this one cobbled together from the prepared remarks of all the major (and most of the minor) speakers from the final night of the convention festivities. As probably comes as little surprise to anyone who watched last night’s prime-time coverage, there were no prepared remarks available for either Clint Eastwood or the chair he brought along as a prop.

The same disclaimer from the previous two days applies: We had to run a whole host of .pdf documents through a word-cloud generator to make this, so it is possible a few mentions got lost in the shuffle. But nonetheless, the above graphic should provide a pretty accurate snapshot of the buzzwords that popped out during the final day of the GOP convention.

And, because we like you, here’s a bonus word cloud combining the speeches from all three nights:

*A note on methodology: We fed the official prepared remarks as they were published by the RNC and elsewhere into word-cloud generator There was a small handful of the speeches missing from the sites at the time we published, but none by any elected officials or national figures. Common words like “the”, “an”, etc. were removed.