
Bloomberg View: An Unexpected Look

Bloomberg View has arrived. Do I agree with its expensive and precision-engineered consensus opinions ? I haven’t read any yet, because I got distracted by the headlines. The lettering, not the words.

What is this? So very, very rounded. Rational little letter-planets, spinning individually in white space. If you look at the edges, you can see the haze of their planetary atmospheres—a little fuzziness, in counterpoint to the geometry, as if the letters are a little too finely crafted for a humble computer screen to do them justice. Like those boardwalk t-shirts that use a blurry font for gags about drunkenness.

(Blowing it up doesn’t even capture the weirdness; New York Times online headlines look bizarre when enlarged, too, but are clean at normal display size.)

A newspaper designer tells me this appears to be a custom version of Avenir . Wikipedia, the crowning accomplishment of human consensus, explains that Avenir is also found on the buttons of LG mobile phones, in signage at Hong Kong International Airport and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, on planes flown by Japan Airlines, in the pages of Dwell magazine, at Wake Forest University, and “for the Eurovision Song Contest in all brand communication materials.”