
How Can I Tell if an Escort Likes Me Romantically?

It’s a job.


This question originally appeared on Quora, the knowledge-sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus.

Answer by Ian Morgan, worked as an escort:

There were more than a few of my clients that I liked romantically—women who I would have liked dating on my own time. I still charged them for the time we spent together. I never saw any outside of work. It never kept me from giving my all to the next client.

The escort in question may very well like you romantically, but that’s not going to change the nature of the relationship the two of you have. For him or her, it may just be that you are a favorite client, but you are still a client.

As far as him or her locking eyes with you for a very long time is concerned, I can tell you that eye contact is a great way to both increase intimacy (part of the job) and to figure out what you want, don’t want, like, and don’t like (again, part of the job). A good escort is good at picking up on small tics and cues that people give off without realizing.

Track down any of my former clients, and all of them will say the same thing: “When Ian was with me, I was his whole world.” That’s because while I was with them, they were my whole world. However, the moment I was no longer with them, I was mentally preparing for the next client. It is his or her job, much as it was mine, to ensure that you feel you are getting your money’s worth. It sounds like you are.

How do I know if an escort likes me romantically? originally appeared on Quora. More questions on Quora: