
What Career Wisdom Do People Learn Too Late?

Network, network, network.


This question originally appeared on Quora, the knowledge-sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus.

Answer by Matt Cohler, general partner at Benchmark, pre–Series A team at LinkedIn and Facebook:

Figure out what your comparative advantage is and play to your strengths. In a hypercompetitive world, it’s not enough to be really good at something; you also need to be better at it than all of the other good people who are trying to do it too, who are vying for the same opportunity.

Nobody’s great at everything—in fact even the most extraordinary people are only great at a very small number of things—and people and organizations waste a lot of time trying to develop “well-rounded” skill sets. Wouldn’t it be better if you and your teammates were sharp than round?

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Answer by David Weisser, HR specialist:

This answer is simple: Network, network, network.

Realize that LinkedIn and social networking are a gold mine for career opportunities.

Don’t let friends, contacts, and acquaintances from previous positions atrophy on the vine. Treat them as the valuable resource that they are. Be generous. Be kind. Check in regularly. Put it on your calendar as often as every morning before breakfast. Become a valuable contact for them.

You will find that when it’s time to look for a new job, or strike out on your own, that network will not only be a safety net for you—it will be an absolute treasure trove.

Believe me. It’s time well invested. And a phenomenal means of self-improvement.

What is some career advice that people usually learn too late in life? originally appeared on Quora. More questions on Quora: