Human Nature

About the Human Nature Network

In the right margin of this blog, you’ll see a column of links called “Human Nature Network.” This is the team of pages through which I’ll try to cover developments in the field of science, technology, and life. The home page summarizes the latest updates from each part of the network. If you’re looking for a page to bookmark, that’s the page I recommend, since it can take you almost everywhere else. The news page has the latest stuff, but only as headlines with links. The purpose of this page is to plug you into all the interesting news I see every day that I don’t have time to write about. The hot topics page is for tracking other current commentary on the Web: magazines, journal articles, blog posts, etc. These are the two places to go for regular updates and variety. The blog is for the narrower range of stuff I have something to say about. I expect it to be pretty informal and provisional. The essays section is for the topics I set aside to research and think through more fully. The discussions link takes you to the Human Nature Fray, where you can start or join a thread on whatever topic interests you. The books page lists recent books in this area. The links page shows you where to find the best news in science, tech, and health, plus my blogroll.

We’re trying to set this up so you can get to almost any page on the network from any other. If you think there’s a better way to design anything in the network, please let us know by posting your ideas in the feedback thread .