The Happiness Project

“Persistence Is Its Own Reward,’ or Water That Flower

I’ve started a feature—the True Rules series. These are concrete lessons that come out of people’s specific experiences. Whether you agree with these rules or not, they’re fun to consider.

When I was visiting the brilliant Debbie Stier at HarperStudio, which is part of the house that is publishing my book (did I mention I have a book coming out ?), president and publisher Bob Miller stopped by her office.

I was filming Debbie giving her True Rule, Rock the Boat , and Bob immediately got in the spirit of the endeavor and agreed to give me his True Rule, too.

If you can’t watch the video, Bob says, “My True Rule is that persistence is its own reward. Somehow, the more you stay with something, the more you accumulate wisdom and meaning in whatever it is you’re doing. Just by watering that flower, you get really attached to that flower.”

* Of all the blogs I read, one of my very favorite is Unclutterer , and I loved this post about having it all —key points for a happy life.

* Check out the Happiness Project Toolbox ! You can post your own resolutions and insights about happiness – and read what other people have posted. Addictive.