The Happiness Project

Happiness is…Breakfast with Deepak Chopra.

Zoikes, yesterday I had breakfast with Deepak Chopra. It was a fascinating conversation – the two of us, along with two other people interested in the same issues. Like an idiot, I didn’t ask if I could discuss our conversation on my blog, so I don’t feel comfortable relating what he said – not that our discussion covered anything potentially scandalous. Mindfulness, love…that sort of thing.

People keep asking me what he had to eat. I was concentrating so hard on the conversation that I wasn’t being very observant. I think he had an omelette, but I wouldn’t swear to it.

Yes, I realize that this isn’t a very satisfying report. Alas!

* I really enjoyed coming across a blog of photographs, By Henry Sene Yee Photography . Lots of humor and acute perception, in addition to engaging photographs.

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