The Happiness Project

There Can Be No Joy in Living Without …

“There can be no joy in living without joy in work.”—St. Thomas Aquinas

* One of my favorite sites is Leo Babauta’s Zen Habits . I find something valuable every time I visit. Leo also has a terrific site aimed at writers, Write to Done —great stuff if you’re doing any writing.

* If you’ve signed up to get the happiness-project-group starter kit—which is for people who want to start a group for people doing happiness projects—it should go out today or tomorrow. At last! Keep me posted about how it goes; I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s experiences with these groups, and I want to do anything I can to help.

If you’d like to get a starter kit yourself, e-mail me at gretchenrubin1 [at] gmail [dot com] , and I’ll add your name. (Use the usual email format—that weirdness is to thwart spammers). Just write “happiness-project group” in the subject line.