Future Tense

Forecasting Contest: What Do You Think Will Happen in 2014?

2013 is old news.

Photo by Joosep Martinson/Getty Images

Nostradamus and Nate Silver make predicting the future look easy. But there’s no formula to determine if Bashar al-Assad, Obama’s approval rating, Twitter’s stock price, or Spain’s soccer fortunes will fall in 2014.  Such forecasting is partly a science, partly an art and mostly a gamble – a thought-provoking, dots-connecting gamble. To try your hand at divining the future, enter D.C. think tank and Future Tense partner New America’s fifth annual, famously idiosyncratic, forecasting contest for the year ahead. (It’s free; entries must be submitted by Friday, January 10 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.) And check out the surprising results of New America’s 2013 forecasting contest and what they say about the times we live in.