Clean Plate

Temptation Timeline

Tuesday Night
6:56 p.m.:
Saw Red Lobster ad on television. I’m only tempted by this because I’ve never eaten there. (I’ve heard stories.)

10:15 a.m.:
a coffee cart guy
two delis
fast-food Mexican place
McDonald’s (window display: 20-piece chicken McNuggets poster or fruit and nut oatmeal)
an eatery that advertised having soups, salads, sandwiches, coffee bar
a kebab place
a smoothie place
a closed Chinese restaurant
a pizza place
a lobster and crab house
a wine and sake espresso bar (What on earth?)
a tapas bar/restaurant

10:20 a.m.:
Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins
a breakfast/lunch place with cookies in the window: ooh, black and white with cake frosting! , chocolate fudge, sugar, Hershey’s kiss.
Those black-and-white cookies plagued me later.
a small grocery

10:25 a.m.:
a supermarket

11:10 a.m.:
Saw an empty cupcake vault in the kitchen at work. So naturally, I had to open the fridge to see if there were any cupcakes. What would I do if I found some? Fortunately, we’ll never have to find out.

11:15 a.m.:
Received a Living Social coupon for Specialty Organics in my e-mail. Why did I click on it to see what Specialty Organics has? I don’t know; I’m either looking for trouble or I seem to enjoy teasing myself.

12:40 p.m.:
Saw a Red Hook Lobster Pound status update on Facebook:
We’ve got cupcakes! Vanilla crumb cake with wild Maine blueberries and vanilla cream frosting cupcakes!! Come indulge!

A Facebook friend’s status update:
I got a dozen cookies from momofuku milkbar for my bday. My favorite so far is the Cornflake Cookie. Yum!
With a photo and a link, so like an idiot I clicked on the link. There I go teasing myself again. These look seriously good.

Conclusions: I have a problem with baked goods. I am either often looking for trouble or I enjoy teasing myself. I suspect the former.