Clean Plate

Jan. 14: What I Ate

Still I dwell in the house of reputed ill. My appetite remained a bit low today, but I tried to eat real food anyway. Still, I couldn’t quite stomach the vegetables yet. Though I am sick, my husband is much sicker, so I spent a fair amount of energy running around acquiring provisions for him, interspersed with my workday, which is why my eating times are a bit odd.

The day began with my favorite Tazo Zen green tea. Why so late? Had to walk the dog and run to the store first. Cost: 25 cents.

The good news is, because my ailing husband was camped out on the living room couch and couldn’t stand the smell of food, I had to do my photo shoots in the bedroom on our dresser, and some of the images came out rather lovely. I think I’ve found a new mini home studio for my lame amateur food photography.

Breakfast included my very first cup of coffee (with skim milk) in 12 days. How was it? Oof it was strong. I guess I make it like rocket fuel. Gotta work on that next time. Is it coincidental that I was headachy today and lost my temper for the first time this year? Perhaps. I also had an egg on a slice of whole-wheat toast.

Cost: about 75 cents. 

Three hours later, I was craving pineapple but figured I’d try to make it into a meal. So here it is with 2 percent cottage cheese, blackberries, and blueberries. How beautiful is that?

Cost: about $2

Still fruit-thirsty in the afternoon, I had a cup of orange juice. Cost: 50 cents.

This didn’t quite cover it, so I made a convalescent peanut butter, honey, and banana sandwich on whole-wheat bread with a cup of skim milk. Obviously I was craving comfort as well as protein and sweetness. Cost: about $1.68.

My appetite was done for the day, though I knew I hadn’t eaten any vegetables. But I just couldn’t do it. I actually entered the preceding foods into MyPyramid’s analysis tool to see what I was missing. I needed protein and vegetables, of course. A bowl of leftover lentils was the best I could muster it has a fair amount of vegetables (carrots, celery, onion, garlic) in it. Nope, not a pretty picture. Cost: about $1 per serving.

Not bad for a sick day. It is a vast improvement on my usual sick fare. Normally all I want is ginger ale, followed by Saltines, then Pop-Tarts. So look at all the good foods I managed to get down my pie hole! Total cost: about $6.18.

Sadly, my husband isn’t feeling well enough to get on a plane to Texas at 6 a.m. tomorrow, so we are home for the weekend. This will give us time to recuperate and me time to plan next week for a change!

Have a good long weekend, all.