Business Insider

Chart: What Stocks Did Last Time the GOP Took Congress with a Sitting Democratic President

The midterms this year were good to the GOP.

Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

This article originally appeared in Business Insider.

Tuesday was Election Day in America.

The historical stats show that stocks usually rally in the months following a midterm election.

Now we know that the GOP has taken the Senate, while President Obama is, of course, a Democrat. Would this make things particularly bad? Some would argue that gridlock can actually be bullish for the stock market.

UBS’ Julian Emanuel considers the recent history. “Gingrich and the ‘Republican Revolution’ steamroll Clinton & Co. in 1994’s midterms,” Emanuel wrote on Monday, referring to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. “Markets pause, hesitate, then begin a bull run in 1995.

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