Brow Beat

Jimmy Kimmel: Jeff Sessions Refuses to Answer Questions About His Pot of Gold

Usually, running news clips of Trump administration officials doing bad things is more of the Daily Show’s beat than Jimmy Kimmel’s, but on Tuesday night, the host got his hands on some footage of Attorney General Jeff Sessions that was so damaging he had no choice. Sessions appeared at a House Judiciary Committee meeting on Tuesday, but it looks like the ol’ MSM really dropped the ball on covering the most damning moments in Sessions’ testimony, because the highlights Kimmel focuses on don’t seem to have made the news. Take this telling—and utterly damning—exchange:

Senator: Attorney General Sessions, what we really want to know is, where exactly is your pot of gold?

Sessions: I don’t recall.

In less tempestuous times, an Attorney General refusing to answer questions about his pot of gold—Sessions wouldn’t even confirm that he kept his gold in a pot!—would be A1 news. It’s a sad marker of just how thoroughly Trump and his cronies have corrupted American democracy that this sort of interaction is treated as normal. The only hope for the country going forward is that the media can keep its spotlight on Sessions’ antics, refusing to look away until he leads us to his pot of gold, even if he points behind us and hollers “Look out,” because, as you can see, there’s nothing behind us, and—oh. He’s gone.