Brow Beat

Nostalgic Things: The Honest Trailer for Stranger Things Just Wants to Go Back to the ’80s

After going silent for a month following the harassment allegations and subsequent firing of host Andy Signore, Screen Junkies is now back to putting out regular Honest Trailers. In its second video since its return, the team takes on Stranger Things—the first season, not the second, because “the bad men will get us if we show you Season 2 before it’s on Blu-ray.”

The trailer runs through Stranger Things’ never-ending references—E.T., Jaws, Halloween, E.T., A Nightmare on Elm Street, Stand by Me, An American Werewolf in London, and, yes, E.T.—but also adds a few of its own: Barb is as over-talked about and underrepresented character as Boba Fett, while the gang is actually “a losers club full of Goonies [who] band together to recreate the cutest version of The Hangover you’ve ever seen.” (They’re right, Eleven is totally Zach Galifianakis’ character in The Hangover!)

This Honest Trailer does manage to get in a dig at Stranger Things’ relatively disappointing second season—and yet another reference: “I hope they don’t do what Aliens did and replace the big monster with a bunch of smaller, easier to kill versions.”