Brow Beat

Trevor Noah Looks at Trump’s Mystery Strategy in Afghanistan

Taping times and the frenetic pace of the Trump administration collided again on Tuesday night, as Trevor Noah and The Daily Show took a look at Trump’s relatively (relatively!) coherent Afghanistan policy address from Monday night just as Trump went wildly off the rails in his Tuesday night “my Charlottesville response was a big success” speech. So it’s a little strange to watch Noah check in with what he calls the “book report Trump” of yesterday while, here in the present, “freestyle Trump” is on another rampage.

But the end of the segment, in which Noah cuts back and forth between Trump and Obama saying the exact same things about our 16-year war in Afghanistan are, in their way, more chilling than anything Trump might say or tweet. On some issues, it doesn’t matter how crazy or sane the president is: The machine just keeps on rolling.