Brow Beat

Trevor Noah, Going Off-Script, Thinks Trump Wishes He Could Be More Like Scaramucci

Trevor Noah can rest easy knowing that even though White House press secretary Sean Spicer has resigned, The Daily Show can still rely on Trump’s communications team as a source of comedy. Noah turned his attention to new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, a man who, just a few days into his new position, proved “he could not keep a secret for more than five seconds,” revealing on CNN that an “anonymous source” he cited was actually the president.

“Scaramucci revealed his anonymous source just to try to win an argument with Jake Tapper?” Noah asked. “If I were Trump, I’d be a little worried about this right now. You don’t want Mooch going out there like, Oh, you think you know something about collusion with the Russians? Well, guess what, big shot? I watched the pee tape. Now who is the smart guy, huh?’”

Noah had even more to say about Scaramucci off-script between segments, suggesting to his audience that Trump actually envies Scaramucci for being a more suave version of the president. “You can see that Trump looks at Scaramucci and he’s like, That’s me. That’s me, folks,” said Noah. “’Cause Scaramucci also does the hands, but he does it in a classier way.” Donald Jr. and Eric better watch out—there’s some competition for their father’s affections now.