Brow Beat

Watch Alec Baldwin Play a Squinting, Pouting Braggart of a President. (No, Not That One.)

Alec Baldwin’s Spike TV special is coming up, but he knows there’s really only one character you want to see him play. You know the one I’m talking about—he’s obsessed with being a “winner,” is notoriously insecure about the size of his hands, and also happens to be president of the United States? That’s right: Founding Father George Washington. Watch as Baldwin-as-Washington brags about making America great “the first time” and rattles off all the things that have been named after him, including Washington Square; Washington, D.C.; and Kerry Washington.

Alec Baldwin: One Night Only airs July 9, with the actor being roasted by members of his family—his daughter even tackles that infamous voicemail—as well as the likes of Robert De Niro, Tracy Morgan, Kate McKinnon, and Bill Clinton.