Brow Beat

Of Course the Beauty and the Beast Remake’s Honest Trailer Rips Off the Animated Original’s Honest Trailer

Let’s just get it out of the way up front: The 2017 live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast never really stood a chance of outdoing the original movie. Whereas Disney’s live-action Jungle Book improved on its source material, the decision to reboot Beauty and the Beast really just reinforced the idea that Disney has no idea which movies it should be remaking. But as the folks over at Screen Junkies point out in their new Honest Trailer, there’s more to this movie than its lack of originality: A heavily auto-tuned Emma Watson turned down an Academy Award–winning role in La La Land just to star as Belle—but what she really deserves is an Oscar for not cracking up at Dan Stevens’ ridiculous padded morph suit during filming.

What else sets this movie apart from the 1991 classic? Well, Belle and Maurice get some superfluous backstory, the supposedly French characters are now super-British instead of super-American, and the movie marks the introduction of Disney’s first (barely) openly gay character, LeFou, who managed to not really please anyone despite all the hoopla.

And you may notice that a couple of jokes in the video are recycled from the Honest Trailer for the original animated classic. But, hey, Disney did it first.