Brow Beat

Late-Night Hosts Have a #ComeyDay Field Day

James Comey’s testimony was undoubtedly the biggest news story on Thursday, so, naturally, every single late-night host had something to say.

Current late-night ratings champ Stephen Colbert, at the top of his 10-minute-long monologue picking  apart Comey’s testimony—“He thought Trump might lie? That’s a razor-sharp FBI instinct in action right there”—had two more bits that skewered the testimony. The first was a sketch that inserted Colbert onto the Senate dais at the testimony, the second another edition of a recurring bit “Real News Tonight,” where the Late Show team creates a fake newscast that satisfies Trump’s ego and keeps him distracted (“This just in: The White House freezer is broken and the chefs need a big brave hero to come eat all the ice cream before it melts!”)

A bearded Jimmy Fallon also used a considerable chunk of his monologue to zing Comey. “A big heat wave is expected to hit New York City this weekend. They said that we’ll be sweating like Trump while he watched the James Comey hearing,” Fallon said.

Over at Late Night, Seth Meyers dedicated his consistently stellar “A Closer Look” segment to Comey’s testimony. On Sen. James Risch’s drilling Comey over Trump just saying he “hoped” the FBI would drop the whole Flynn-Russia thing: “Look, when someone says ‘I hope you’ll join us for dinner,’ they want you to come to dinner. They’re not gonna answer the door and say, ‘What the hell are you doing here?!’ ”

,In his monologue, The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah urged us all to take a second to acknowledge how batshit crazy this whole situation is. “If you just woke up from a coma and heard all of this at one time, you’d be screaming down the street with your ass out in one of those gowns like, ‘How is he still president?!’” Noah also poked fun at Comey for telling us what we already know: Donald J. Trump is a liar. “We didn’t day-drink for this shit! We want new information!” Noah demanded. The best part of Noah’s monologue—and probably the funniest joke from any host last night—was reserved for Sen. Risch’s bullshit “hope” question: “I hope this motherfucker didn’t just try to pull a fast one on us,” Noah said. “We are adults here. Sen. Ritsch is making it sound like Trump was innocently hoping, like language doesn’t have subtext. He makes it sound like Trump was a Disney character, standing out on a balcony singing, ‘I hope Mike Flynn will be free some day/ I hope he’ll get away.’ ’