Brow Beat

Allow Seth Meyers to Explain Just How Heinous the AHCA’s Passage Really Was

On Thursday afternoon, by the slimmest of margins, Republicans in the House passed the American Health Care Act, a cruel and radical piece of legislation pushed in a most cruel and callous fashion, which stands to further marginalize women, LGBTQ people, people of color, and the sick and poor. Happy Friday!

Seth Meyers used his “Closer Look” segment on Thursday night to explain how exactly a bill so unpopular and so mysterious—one that will certainly have “disastrous ramifications” for the country—could have passed the House without so much as a Congressional Budget Office score. “Some Republicans right now are just outright admitting that they did not read the bill that they voted on,” Meyers correctly noted: “a bill that would reorganize one sixth of the American economy.” Indeed, after carefully unpacking anything and everything related to yesterday’s horror show—including the “galling” hypocrisy of Republicans who spoke out against Obamacare—Meyers didn’t mince words in his conclusion about what really went down:

Everything that Paul Ryan claimed to hate about the Obamacare process in 2009, he’s doing now. Republicans are lying through their teeth about the impacts of the bill and premiums and preexisting conditions, and hoping that no one will catch them because there’s no CBO score. And until last night, there was no text. Americans are being conned, and there will be consequences for the people doing the conning.