Brow Beat

Trevor Noah on Trump’s Inauguration: “We Are So Fooked”

“America, you have to get used to the fact that you’ve elected a reality star president,” Trevor Noah said Thursday night in response to the photo President-elect Donald Trump tweeted of himself “writing” his inaugural address. “And you should know a publicity opportunity when you see one. Donald Trump was just promoting tomorrow’s premiere of the 45th season of the TV show President.” (He later added, “It’s also the final season, by the way, but that’s a different subject.”)

Noah used his platform on inauguration eve to speak frankly, rather than optimistically, about the political era we’re on the verge of entering. And for the Daily Show host, that one, ridiculously staged photo said it all. “How is that a president?” he asked, seemingly in disbelief. “Oh, guys, we are so fooked.”