Brow Beat

Watch Billy on the Street Search for New Movie Franchises With Andy Samberg and Jon Hamm

After basing movies on iPhone games and dolls with funny hair, it seems like Hollywood is scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to finding new franchises to exploit. But fear not, entertainment industry: Billy on the Street is here to help. In a new clip from this week’s forthcoming episode, Billy Eichner roams the streets with Andy Samberg, Jon Hamm, and Lupita Nyong’o playing a host of potential—if spectacularly ill-advised—candidates for new big-screen heroes. Remember Myspace Tom, who friended everyone on the bygone social network? Surely you’d like to see him team up with a group of like-minded heroes and fight evil. No? How about Doctor Strange, Medicine Woman, a frontier doctor who learns the ancient art of spellcasting? Not that either, huh? Okay, get ready for this: the mermaid from the Starbucks logo, who will “beat you to a pulp and spell your name wrong on the tombstone.” Pretty great, right? Fine. But when the Marvel Cinematic Universe announces a Paste-Pot Pete spinoff for 2027, don’t come crying to us.