Brow Beat

David S. Pumpkins and His Skeletons Make Every Horror Movie So Much Scarier

Stay scary, David S. Pumpkins.


If you were just thinking to yourself, “You know what I could use more of in my life? David S. Pumpkins”—well, you’re in luck. That fiendish fellow, played by a pumpkin-suited Tom Hanks on the most recent episode of Saturday Night Live continues to haunt our nightmares in this cleverly executed video mashup.

Yes, David S. Pumpkins (and his pop-and-lock skeleton crew, of course) is now here to terrify you and your favorite characters in movies like The Shining, Scream, Halloween, and The Ring. And like the original sketch, it’s just weird enough to elicit anxious chuckles while you try to make sense of what makes this all so irresistibly funny.

David S. Pumpkins: almost a week later, still very much the Halloween meme—and Tom Hanks performance—we all desperately need.