Brow Beat

Sam Bee Explains the Many, Many Insults to Womankind That Trump Lobbed During the First Presidential Debate

More than 83 million Americans tuned into Monday night’s presidential debate, and Samantha Bee was one of them: Bee skipped her usual Monday time slot in favor of a special episode of Full Frontal later in the week about the debate. Bee specifically called out Donald Trump’s cartoonish sexism, from his frequent interruptions of his opponent to his accusation that Hillary Clinton lacks the “stamina” to be president. “Just say penis, Don,” said Bee. “Three-syllable words don’t suit you.”

Bee also highlighted how neatly Clinton baited Trump, who has frequently been accused of misogyny throughout the campaign, by bringing up his remarks about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado during the debate, knowing that Trump could not resist “calling women names, doubling down, and making dumb mistakes on Fox and Friends.” And though Trump has had his problems with women in the past, as Bee points out, he might now have to worry about backlash from any woman who has ever been called fat. “Which is all of us,” notes Bee.

Bee even wrapped up the segment with a surprisingly supportive shoutout to Fox anchor and Trump feud-er Megyn Kelly, who made a subtle dig at Trump supporter Sean Hannity shortly after the debate and challenged Kellyanne Conway about Trump’s stance on women. It seems there is one way Donald Trump is good for women: by uniting them, even across the aisles, in their disgust toward him.