Brow Beat

Internet Comments Have Finally Destroyed Samantha Bee’s Faith in Humanity

Full Frontal With Samantha Bee has a great web-exclusive feature called “Real or Fake Internet Comments,” in which Bee reads abusive tweets and YouTube comments sent to the show and tries to guess which ones are genuine and which were made up by her writers. It was obvious from the beginning that the feature would have hazardous long-term effects, and as of Wednesday, she seems to have finally snapped. After weeks of touring the toxic exclusion zone of her show’s Twitter mentions and YouTube page, she clearly no longer thinks anything is too low for the garbage people of the internet.

In Wednesday’s installment, she guessed that all six comments were real, from the person who took the time to tell the world “she stands like her d— is getting pinched between her legs,” to the accusations of witchcraft. It’s not the first time Bee has bet against the inherent goodness of humanity, but six “real” guesses in a row is unprecedented. At no point in this segment does she think, “No one would have gone to the trouble to say that, would they?” or “That’s just absurd,” or “No one would be that shitty to a stranger, right?” So congratulations to the worst people online: You’ve convinced someone else that nothing is beneath you.